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14 Jui 2018

IBT News Desk, International Business Times (India)

India: Communities affected by Bhopal gas disaster urge authorities to act on continuing groundwater contamination

"Bhopal gas tragedy victims call for immediate steps to check groundwater contamination", 14 June 2018

The Bhopal gas tragedy continues to make lives of people living in the affected areas miserable even after more than three decades. Now, the groundwater is becoming increasingly dangerous to consume...Organisations set up by survivors of the tragedy have lamented the lackadaisical attitude of the Centre as well as the successive state governments towards the contamination of the groundwater in the city.  The leaders of...organisations have said that even the Supreme Court has acknowledged the fact that the groundwater poisoning is spreading and now 20 more communities are on the verge of being added to the list which already has 22 communities which have to make do with poisoned groundwater.  Supreme Court has ordered...to collect groundwater samples from 20 more communities.  The team is expected to visit the affected parts of the city on Friday, June 15.  The apex court has also directed the Municipal Corporation to supply treated drinking water to five of the 20 communities which lack this facility.  Talking to The Pioneer, Rashida Bee, president, Bhopal Gas Peedit Mahila Stationery Karmchari Sangh said: "Are the central and state governments waiting for the poisons to spread all over the city before they begin to act? Going by the orders of the Supreme Court, the number of poisoned communities has trebled in the last 14 years. Yet the governments have not taken a tiny step to stop the spread of chemicals that damage the brain, lungs, kidneys and liver and cause cancers and birth defects."...
