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4 Oct 2006

Institute of Public and Environmental Affairs

List of enterprises not meeting environmental standards in China in 2006 [scroll to "Enterprises Exceeding Standards" below "List of Polluters", select "2006", #35-49]

[Website only provides list of companies’ names in Chinese. Following selection of companies provided by Business & Human Rights Resource Centre.] The enterprises not meeting environmental standards in China in 2006 include: Taolin Lead & Zinc Mining and Chemical Factory, in Hunan province; Linxiang City Haoyuan Chemical Factory, in Hunan province; Anhui Tongling City Annada Titanium Industry (part of Tongling Chemical Industry); Xingtai Iron & Steel; Ganzhou Cobalt & Tungsten; Guangzhou Hoton Chemical; Jinan Yuxing General Chemical Plant; Liaoning Dandong City Xinjulang Paper; Qingyang Chemical Industry, in Liaoning province (part of CNGC), Jincheng Fertilizer Factory, in Shanxi province (part of Jincheng Anthracite Mining); Baiyin Non-ferrous Metal, in Gansu; Gansu Lanzhou City Xinxibu Weinilun Company (part of Gansu Yasheng Industrial); Qinghai Huangzhong County Xinfei Chemical; and Hunan Zhuzhou Chemical Industry. [the rest of the list is in Chinese].
