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31 Déc 2010

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

[PDF] Corporate Social Responsibility in Latin America - A Collection of Research Papers from the Virtual Institute Network

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was mandated to work on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) issues by the 2008 Accra Accord...The publication covers CSR and labour practices in the agriculture and extractive industries (the mining industry in Chile and banana production in Colombia); CSR practices in Uruguay; and new legal instruments in the area of human rights and labour rights in the Latin American region. [Includes sections on: - Corporate Social Responsibility in the large mining sector in Chile: Case studies of Los Pelambres [part of Grupo Luksic, Nippon LP Investment, MM LP Holding] and Los Bronces - Corporate Social Responsibility in Uruguay: What enterprises do and what people think about it - Beyond CSR: Evidence of Social Responsibility Networks in the banana industry - TNCs in the dock: Corporate complicity in human rights abuses in Latin America - Strengthening enforcement of core labour rights: Can a new investment agreement model help multinational corporations be more socially responsible?] [also refers to Chiquita, Dole Food Company, Fyffes, Fresh Del Monte, Banacol, Uniban]