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31 Mar 2020

Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women (Thailand)

The Anti-Trafficking Review: Call for Papers on "Trafficking in Minors" special issue (Deadline: 1 Jun)

"The Anti-Trafficking Review calls for papers for a special issue themed ‘Trafficking in Minors’."   

Public and political debate on the phenomenon of child trafficking is generally deplete with emotional reactions, unverifiable statistics, and sensational ‘high profile’ cases repeated over and over again in the media. Despite an intense focus placed on children and minors in human trafficking representations, policies and measures, academic work on the issue is scattered across disciplines, and disproportionally focused on trafficking for sexual exploitation. Less work is done on other forms such as forced labour, forced begging and, in particular, exploitation of criminal activities… This themed issue of the Anti-Trafficking Review will aim to contribute to addressing these needs. It will explore how the phenomenon of trafficking in minors empirically manifests itself...We invite empirical papers describing local conditions of trafficking in minors, as well as its transnational character, and thereby particularly encourage authors to write on less represented forms of trafficking in minors, such as trafficking for labour exploitation, forced begging, and the exploitation of criminal activities…

Deadline for submissions: 1 June 2020 Word count for full article submissions: 4,000-6,000 words, including footnotes, author bio and abstract…Special Issue to be published in April 2021.