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21 Déc 2018

UN experts, OHCHR

UN experts welcome call to business to protect migrant workers by Global Compact for Migration

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"New migration pact highlights key role of business in protecting migrants, say UN experts", 20 December 2018

UN experts... welcomed a call in the recently adopted Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) for States to partner with business to protect the rights of migrants and to ensure they share economic benefits they generate...

"Migrant workers all over the world are too often subjected to unethical recruitment processes, indecent work conditions and lack of social protection. In fact, these challenges are among the most critical that our societies face," the experts said.

... States can strengthen labour inspections and... ensure that employers do not confiscate passports and identity documents of migrant workers. "... [G]overnments should use regulation and policy to promote business respect for the rights of migrant workers. They should also lead by example, including in operations of State-owned enterprises and in public procurement."

Private sector employers must also respect the rights of migrants, act collectively and engage in key activities designed to identify solutions towards ensuring the GCM objectives are met in practice. For example, the GCM asks States to work with employers to ensure that migrant workers are provided with written contracts and are made aware of how to access effective complaint and redress mechanisms, in a language they understand...

