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9 Aoû 2019

Layla Ilchi & Rosemary Feltelberg, Women's Wear Daily

USA: Model Alliance demand better protection for models employed by Victoria’s Secret against sexual misconduct

"Model Alliance Pens Open Letter to Victoria’s Secret on Sexual Misconduct", 6 August 2019

The Model Alliance is calling on Victoria’s Secret to protect its models against sexual misconduct.

The organization...penned an open letter to the brand’s chief executive officer, John Mehas, to address the numerous alleged acts of sexual misconduct against models employed by the brand...The letter follows the charges against...convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, who was linked with L Brands’ coo Leslie Wexner and the multiple allegations against photographers Timur Emek, David Bellemere and Greg Kadel — all of whom have been employed by the brand. They have been accused of sexually inappropriate behavior toward female models.

A representative for Emek did not respond immediately to a request for comment.... Bellemere and Kadel denied any wrongdoing...Victoria’s Secret led its own investigation and stopped working with both photographers...

...Ziff [founder of Model Alliance] said..."...We’re simply saying that with so many allegations against multiple Victoria’s Secret photographers and The New York Times reporting on the apparent connection between L Brands’ ceo and Jeffrey Epstein, Victoria’s Secret has a problem.”...

...A Victoria’s Secret spokeswoman said, “We are always concerned about the welfare of our models and want to continue to have dialogue with the Model Alliance and others to accomplish meaningful progress in the industry.”...