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6 Déc 2011

Chong Ai Ling, The Online Citizen [Singapore]

What has AIDS got to do with business? [Singapore]

The main commitment of businesses is to their bottomline, and most businesses stay away from culturally taboo issues such as AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). However a local Non-Governmental-Organisation, Business Coalition on AIDS Singapore (BCAS) is looking to change that. Part of its objective is to make business owners aware of its obligations towards the community and its valuable human resource. “Doing nothing in a company is mismanagement and fear is the worst form of discrimination that HIV positive people in the workplace have to confront,” said Susie Solomon, BCAS’s Executive Director...Two forums organised by BCAS, AFA, HPB, and Singapore National Employers Federation which are targeted at businesses will be held in January 2012. The forums aim to educate businesses and their staff on HIV and ways to implement effective policies.