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1 Gen 2020

Archive of Corporate Legal Accountability Quarterly Updates


Issue 50, September 2024, The Case for Mandatory Regulation: Jurisprudence Showcases the Need to Move On from Self-Regulation in Tech

Issue 49, July 2024, Unjust transition on trial: Communities and workers litigate to shape corporate practice

Issue 48, March 2024, Latin America and the Caribbean: New standards on the horizon to protect human rights defenders

Issue 47, December 2023, Corporate legal obligations, human rights, and conflict: Increased risk and responsibility

Issue 46, October 2023, Building momentum to negotiate a stronger binding treaty for all

Issue 45, June 2023, Vexatious lawsuits: Corporate use of SLAPPs to silence critics 

Issue 44, March 2023, Cerrejón Coal in Colombia: Access to justice and reparation become a chimera

Issue 43, December 2022, After mixed results at COP 27, litigation and legislation can advance the fight for climate justice and a just transition

Issue 42, October 2022, Proposed binding treaty on business and human rights: Taking stock 8 years into negotiations

Issue 41, June 2022, Recent legislative developments signal increasing commitment to corporate accountability for human rights abuses

Issue 40, March 2022, Justice for Miskito divers: A turning point for business and human rights standards from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights

Issue 39, December 2021, Anti-SLAPP legislation must outlaw judicial harassment of Human Rights Defenders

Issue 38, March 2021, Who Audits the Auditor?: Shaping Legal Accountability Strategies to Redress Social Audit Failings

Issue 37, December 2020, Corporate Human Rights Litigation: Trends from 200 Seminal Lawsuits 

Issue 36, September 2020, Victims’ Rights under the Second Revised Draft Treaty on Business & Human Rights

Issue 35, June 2020, Companies abuse lawsuits to silence critics, even amidst a global pandemic

Issue 34, March 2020, Civil society is key to environmental litigation holding companies to account

Issue 33, December 2019, High hopes for mandatory human rights due diligence in 2020

Issue 32, September 2019, The lengthy journey towards a treaty on business & human rights

Issue 31, June 2019, Are shareholders the new champions of climate justice?

Issue 30, March 2019, Accountability for Misclassification of Workers in the Gig Economy

Issue 29, December 2018, The Zero Draft Treaty on Business and Human Rights

Issue 28, September 2018, Taking stock: Parent company liability for extraterritorial abuse

Issue 27, June 2018The use of consumer protection laws as strategic tool for corporate due diligence and transparency in global supply chains

Issue 26, March 2018The legal significance of #MeToo

Issue 25, January 2018, How courts and advocates are shaping legal doctrine on corporate liability and human rights obligations

Issue 24, September 2017 Lawsuits by companies seek to silence accountability advocates

Issue 23, March 2017 Overcoming unequal access to information - frequent barrier to remedy for victims of corporate abuse

Issue 22, December 2016 Corporate legal accountability & haze in Indonesia

Issue 21, September 2016 Holding companies accountable for modern slavery

Issue 20, June 2016 Holding financial institutions to account for human rights abuse

Issue 19, January 2016 Communities taking action

Issue 18, September 2016 Climate justice litigation

Issue 17, June 2015 Human rights defenders & legal harassment

Issue 16, April 2015 Legislative efforts to hold parent companies legally accountable

Issue 15, December 2014 A new path to access remedy?

Issue 14, September 2014

Issue 13, June 2014