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Ruth Hogan, Inside FMCG

Australia: Coles & trade unions develop Accord to protect rights of workers within fresh produce supply chain

"Coles partners with workers’ unions to improve supply chain standards", 5 November 2019

Coles has announced a new partnership with some of Australia’s biggest workers’ unions as part of a commitment to help ensure the retailer runs an ethical and sustainable fresh produce supply chain.

The Shop, Distributive and Allied Employees Association (SDA), the Transport Workers Union (TWU) and the Australian Workers Union (AWU) have worked with the supermarket giant to develop the Coles Ethical Retail Supply Chain Accord to protect the rights of all workers regardless of visa or employment status.

Representatives from each organisation will meet regularly to discuss the investigation of complaints and hear from workers, with a particular focus on labour hire organisations, and farmers, who are responsible for around 95 per cent of the fresh produce Coles sells...

...Education and training will form a large part of The Accord’s work with initiatives such as training for migrant workers...as well as investment into research on the social and economic benefits of ethical sourcing.
