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The Daily Tribune (Bahrain)

Bahrain: Union Secretary-General calls for private sector minimum wage, incl. for migrants

"Minimum wage system must for Bahrain private sector, says GFBTU Secretary General," 22 Jan 2023

Rising expenses and low income are among the long-standing concerns haunting expatriate workers in Bahrain.

Many expatriates here also claim to receive salaries lower than BD200, which they say makes it impossible for them to live in a world that is growing super expensive with each passing day...

For this, [Secretary-General Abdulqader Al-Shehabi of the General Federation of Bahrain Trade Unions (GFBTU)] calls for setting up a minimum wage system in the private sector and a Supreme Council for Wages to review the wages periodically and boost workers' purchasing power...

He points out that it was, in fact, GFBTU that demanded minimum wages for workers nationals and migrants alike first, and still treats this as an objective...