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International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)

Chile & Colombia: Organisations fill lawsuits against AES Gener and Cerrejón Coal for their harmful and polluting activities in the context of the #SeeYouInCourt global campaign


"Communities Demand Justice for Polluting Companies’ Contribution to Climate Change", 23 September 2021

...Communities affected by environmental crises across Latin America—accompanied by FIDH and its member organisations—announced the filing of a series of lawsuits. Two are filed today in Chile and Colombia against companies for their harmful and polluting activities and for contributing to climate change.

These lawsuits mark the launch of #SeeYouInCourt, a global campaign to increase the number of such cases and to make the right to a healthy environment an internationally recognized human right...

In Chile, the Observatorio Ciudadano and two other organisations are filing today a protection action against environmental and climate impacts and incidents of massive intoxication caused by coal-fired power plants, mainly those of AES Gener, and the failure of environmental authorities to adequately control their emissions.

In Colombia, CAJAR, along with a group of local communities, filed a complaint with the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights regarding the risk of irreparable damage caused by the diverting of the Arroyo Bruno river and its development to expand the largest open-pit coal mine in Latin America, Carbones del Cerrejón...

The #SeeYouInCourt campaign aims to put in place resources that will allow the replication of similar litigation on an international scale: FIDH’s support for local organisations, the development of judicial expertise, the provision of a comprehensive guide about remedies, the creation of a network of NGOs to foster exchange and mutual support, etc...

Curbing the destruction of the planet and climate change are the greatest challenges of our time, and corporate responsibility remains one of the blind spots in environmental policies. It is imperative to strengthen the mechanisms and jurisprudence that address corporations’ responsibility for their impact on the environment...