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French Football Federation (FFF)

FFF responded to alleged abuse of subcontracted security at World Cup hotel

The organization of this World Cup has enabled social progress in Qatar. Even if the reality on the ground is not perfect, this progress is undeniable. The FFF is very vigilant about the respect of human rights in its base camp In this respect, we have carried out the following actions:

  1. With the hotel and its service providers: a questionnaire was sent to the hotel manager (Marriott Group) last May and since then regular checks have been carried out with employees during visits prior to the competition. During our last visit to the hotel at the end of September, we had discussions with the hotel's employees who assured us that the conditions of accommodation, salaries and rest were perfectly respected by the hotel's management.
  2. With the service providers of the Supreme Committee (SC) and FIFA: request for audits of the service providers, exchanges with the SC on the monitoring of the service providers, which led in particular to the revocation of the service provider in charge of the hotel's security.

For your information, a delegation from the FFF is leaving today for Doha to meet with hotel employees, service providers and also to visit the accommodations of these people.

We remain at your disposal
