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Global Coal Exit List identifies 282 companies planning to build new coal-fired power stations, calls for impact divesting

"...The GCEL provides key statistics on companies’ annual coal production and coal share of revenue, their installed coal-fired capacity and coal share of power production. These statistics were drawn from original company sources such as annual reports, investor presentations and company websites. All in all, the companies listed in the GCEL represent over 88% of world coal production and 86% of the world’s coal-fired capacity...

...A unique feature of the GCEL is the fact that it also provides information on companies’ plans to expand coal mining or develop new coal-fired power stations. It is thus the first “forward-looking” coal divestment tool. The GCEL identifies 225 companies that are planning to expand coal mining and 282 companies that are planning new coal-fired power stations.[2] 'We’ve discovered that a significant portion of these companies are not traditional coal industry players,' says Schuecking..."

