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Goldcorp response

…As a member of the International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), we are committed to respecting human rights as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and under international humanitarian law. From employees and contractors to senior management, our workforce is expected to comply with our Human Rights Policy and we take appropriate measures to ensure that everyone working at Goldcorp, or on our behalf, respects this policy…Our due diligence includes a reputational assessment of any third party we conduct business with. NTR Zacatecas has a business model of demanding high levels of advertising purchases and in turn writing negative articles about companies who do not advertise in their publication. Goldcorp has chosen not to advertise with this publication due to reputational concerns….Goldcorp is particularly proud of its partnership with federal, state and municipal authorities to build and equip the new National College of Technical Professional Education…In addition, residents in the nearby town of Mazapil have access to a water purification plant, upgraded educational facilities and housing and training for teachers; and a new medical clinic that was inaugurated in 2018…