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Source Intelligence, on 3BL Media (USA)

HP, Nike, SC Johnson, Target, Walmart increasing transparency of chemicals in products, reduce use of hazardous ones

"Global Brands are Committing to Chemical Transparency", 1 Sep. 2016

In just the last few years, there has been a positive trend of leading global brands such as Walmart, Target and Nike that have made visible commitments to both chemical transparency and cutting down hazardous chemicals along their supply chains... 

In its 2016 Global Responsibility Report released in April, Walmart reported that they successfully reduced usage of 10 priority chemicals in home and personal care products by 95%.

Just earlier this month, Walmart named the 10 priority chemicals and shared how they successfully limited their use – a significant step forward for supply chain transparency. The chemicals are butylparaben, propylparaben, dibutyl phthalate, diethyl phthalate, formaldehyde, nonylphenol ethoxylates, triclosan, and toluene.

The EDF (Environmental Defense Fund) helped Walmart craft its chemical policy, a sign that companies continue to collaborate with NGOs to become leaders in improving their sustainability and social responsibility performance. [also refers to SC Johnson, HP Inc.]