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Justice Arun Mishra, Chair of India's National Human Rights Commission

India: National Human Rights Commission's Chair greets HRDs on International Human Rights Defenders Day's eve

"Message of NHRC Chairperson, Mr. Justice Arun Mishra on the eve of Human Rights Defenders Day", 8 December 2021

9th December is an important day for the National Human Rights Commission, India and the Human Rights Defenders spread across the country. On this day in 1998, the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. It is a coincidence that the very next day, on December 10, we are celebrating the Human Rights Day. The Commission is mandated under the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993 to encourage the efforts of non-governmental organizations and institutions working in the field of human rights.

Human Rights Defenders play an important role in protection and promotion of human rights. Therefore, I take this opportunity to congratulate and greet each and every Human Rights Defender, NGOs, and members of the civil society who are working for the cause of the poor, voiceless and marginalized sections of the society and fight for their rights in a legitimate manner.

To respect, protect and promote human rights is the primary responsibility of the States and their agencies. The Constitution of India, through the Fundamental Rights contained in Chapter III, guarantees human rights for the people...

In its resolve to promote the efforts of Human Rights Defenders for protection of human rights, many initiatives have been taken by the Commission. Notable among them is creation of a Focal Point for Human Rights Defenders, who is accessible 24 x 7 on a Mobile phone and through e-mail. Inclusion of a chapter on Human Rights Defenders in the Annual Report and publication of “NHRC and Human Rights Defenders: The Growing Synergy” is another milestone in this direction...

NHRC gives special attention to complaints of alleged harassment of Human Rights Defenders. These complaints are registered under a separate category for proper monitoring and follow up for appropriate redressal of their grievances.

I once again extend my greetings and express my gratitude to all the Human Rights Defenders, NGOs and members of civil society for their bonafide human rights work and wish them all the very best in the coming year too.