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War on Want

India: UK trade union movement expresses solidarity with Indian farmers protesting agricultural reforms that threaten livelihoods


“The UK labour movement stands in solidarity with farmers in India”, 14 January 2021

Indian workers and farmers have suffered increased levels of poverty as result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Yet the Indian government is seeking to impose policies that will further threaten the livelihoods of many of India's poorest citizens.

The Covid-19 pandemic has already left many of the poorest people across the world barely able to survive. The climate crisis is also plunging millions more into poverty and threatening food production.

Neoliberal policies that make the poorest pay whilst corporations amass massive profits have driven huge inequality and a planet on the edge of catastrophe.

The UK labour movement stands in solidarity with the hundreds of thousands of farmers in India and the wider trade union movement in India fighting for a just future.

[Signatories]: War on Want, Trades Union Congress, Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen, Bakers, Food and Allied Workers' Union, Communication Workers Union, Fire Brigades Union, GMB, Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain, Napo, National Education Union, National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers, POA, Public and Commercial Services Union, Prospect, Transport Salaried Staffs' Association, Unison, Unite the Union, University and College Union.
