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Saniyash Toyken, rus.azattyq.org

Kazakhstan: Employees of fiberglass pipes plant on strike demanding better working conditions

Wives join striking workers demanding better working conditions, 22 June 2022

In the Mangistau region, wives of workers of a fiberglass pipe plant, joined their husbands' strike. The latter have been on strike for about a month, demanding a revision of the collective agreement and the inclusion of clauses on wages and social benefits. Some women came with babies under one year old and said they would not leave until their demands were met. The employer says that the plant, left without raw materials from Russia due to Western sanctions, will not be able to meet the demands of the strikers...

The strike at the plant that employs over 200 people, began on May 23. The strikers set up a yurt next to the company's office. They are demanding that management pay in full the wages they increased after the February strike; include social payments in the collective agreement... According to the workers, about a hundred people take part in the strike...

... -We have a difficult job. We are not even given masks, glass dust in the air settles in our lungs. We breathe it... We work with highly hazardous chemicals. We are not paid for work in hazardous production. In February, we did not receive the salary increase...-, says [one of the employees] Yerkebulan Zhamankulo.