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Kenya: Meta claims it is taking steps to reduce spread of misinformation & remove harmful content ahead of elections

"How Meta is Preparing for Kenya’s 2022 General Election"

To help ensure a safe and secure general election in Kenya, we’re investing in people and technology to reduce the spread of misinformation and remove harmful content across our apps. Our team dedicated to the country’s election consists of experts from Kenya and people deeply familiar with the region, to help us better understand the local landscape...

Informed by local challenges around increased abuse against female public figures, we formed a working group for the protection of female public figures during the Kenya elections. Partnering with local civil society organisations such as Kenya Women Parliamentary Association (KEWOPA), Pollicy and UN Women, we trained women members of Parliament, aspirants and human rights defenders to utilise our safety tools and resources to ensure a safer experience across our technologies. We also continue to work with participants to further understand the gender-based slurs used online in local languages, with the aim of helping to address these during the elections.
