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Australian Lawyers for Human Rights

Lawyers welcome natl. consultation on implementation of UN Guiding Principles

"ALHR congratulates the Australian Government on its commitment to a national consultation on Business and Human Rights in 2016", 12 Mar 2016

The Australian Government…indicated that it will undertake a national consultation on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights…Australian Lawyers for Human Rights (ALHR) welcomes the Government’s announcement and acknowledges that this represents a significant step towards implementing internationally-accepted business and human rights standards in Australia. The announcement comes as part of the Australian Government’s response…to its Universal Periodic Review which was held at the UN Human Rights Council…Chair of ALHR’s Business and Human Rights Group, Amy Sinclair…noted that, “to achieve an effective result, these consultations must be properly constituted. The voices of all stakeholders must be included – not just those representing powerful business interests, but also vulnerable and disempowered members of society.”…“It is hoped that a clear intention to develop a National Action Plan for Australia will emerge from these consultations” concluded Ms Sinclair.
