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Multi-stakeholder & industry initiatives produce guidance on responsible business practices to protect garment workers during COVID-19 pandemic

Major apparel brands and retailers have canceled or delayed payment for orders from suppliers in response to the COVID-19 crisis, risking the livelihoods of millions of garment workers in their supply chains. Many factories have had to reduce or cease operations, and as a result millions of workers have been furloughed or laid off - often without severance pay or adequate social protection. Where factories remain in operation – producing apparel or protective personal equipment as retailers re-purpose their supply chain – workers are reporting being forced to work without adequate precautions, leaving them, their families and communities at risk of infection.

Labour groups and unions are calling on apparel brands and governments to urgently mitigate impacts on the 60 million garment workers bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 crisis. Their full set of demands can be found here.

Multi-stakeholder and industry initiatives are also producing guidance for apparel and textile companies on responsible human rights due diligence practices to protect garment workers from the economic fallout of the pandemic. These guides can be found below.
