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Publish What You Pay (MG/UK) & Andrew Lees Trust

Publish What You Pay (Madagscar/UK) & the Andrew Lees Trust (Alt UK); rejoinder to Rio Tinto's response

"Publish What You Pay (Madagscar/UK) & the Andrew Lees Trust (Alt UK) Comments on the Response from QMM"

Rio Tinto/QMM’s response to the issues raised has been profoundly unsatisfactory. The significant delays we have experienced waiting for RT/QMM to answer dozens of technical questions and provide documents as requested (since 2018), also to respond in a rigorous way to our community and hydrology studies (2019, 2020, 2021), is inconsistent with its assertions of ensuring transparency and information sharing. Local civil society in Madagascar is being disabled by confusing and protracted exchanges with QMM on data anomalies, and civil society organisations’ time and resources are being wasted by the poor engagement process, which has no structure and fails to deliver clear and meaningful responses to local concerns, and to national/international demands for tangible action. S
