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International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

Qatar dismantles kafala system of modern slavery


[Sharran Burrow, ITUC General Secretary, said]:

“The new tranche of laws will bring an end to the kafala system... exit visas for all workers including domestic workers eliminated; a system of contracts that are transparent and labour courts to enforce them; the end to permission to leave a job...; and a government fund to ensure workers are not disadvantaged by exploitative employers, while the state pursues recovery of entitlements...

an evidence-based minimum wage... will be a major improvement for workers, and will guarantee a minimum level of protection...

The reforms need to become embedded in employment practice and strong legal compliance."

Part of the following timelines

Qatar: Partial labour reforms welcomed, amid calls to ensure enforcement and accountability

Qatar: Campaigners & unions welcome "historic" labour laws that could end exploitative Kafala system