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Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance

Rejoinder from Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance tp response from Sinohydro

"Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance Back Response to Sinohydro Response", 7 Aug 2015

A. Social Violation...Based to interview [with] affected people, the compensation process in...year 1982-1984 and 1994-1997 was done with repressive...intimidation to people by goverment...It happened three (3) categor[ies] of fault...miscount area, miscategorized of land, and fault in inheritance rights receiver. The third category of fault then into affected people complaint and until now still not [addressed] by Indonesia government.

B. Environmental Violation...Every business plan must have environmental  impact assessment. Article 15, clause 1, Law No.23 of 1997 about Environment Management.

II. Conclusion...we concluded : Sinohydro inaccurate and ignore the regulation that apply in Indonesia Republic in get involved to Jatigede Dam project...Sinohydro did not find out first about the Jatigede dam background history...Sinohydro just only concern to investment profit in infrastructure projects...Sinohydro has broke or violated their own commitment as contained in Sinohydro Stetement of Ethical  Principles (SHCP-SEP-Rev1.0-2014)...

Advocacy Team for Jatigede People Alliance Back Response

to Sinohydro Response.
