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Polish Football Association

Response from the Polish Football Association to questions on human rights risks and due diligence ahead of FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022

Please find below and answers to your questions (in red):

  1. Have you carried out a human rights risk assessment regarding your participation in the Qatar World Cup? If so, please outline the risks identified.


2. Please disclose the name of the hotel(s) booked to host your national team and staff during the World Cup.

Agreement hasn’t been signed yet so we don’t want to communicate

3. Please set out what human rights due diligence you undertook prior to booking the hotel or are undertaking in preparation for selecting a base camp and other facilities/amenities eg. transport, security or leisure facilities

respect for human rights is important to us and in our actions we are guided by these principles. Nevertheless, the World Cup is a sports event and as a football association we focus on the best possible preparation of our team for the tournament
