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Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)

RSPO's response on criminalization of land activists objecting to the RSPO certification of SOCFIN in Malen Chiefdom, Sierra Leone

[...] RSPO has been in communication with the authors of the article “Arbitrary harassment and criminalization of land activists in Malen Chiefdom, peacefully objecting to the RSPO certification of SOCFIN”, dated 6 May 2022...

Allegations of misconduct by members are not representative of the RSPO Standards. There are systems in place to ensure that RSPO certified members abide by the Standards. These include third-party certification, a system of accreditation for certification bodies and a grievance mechanism (i.e. the RSPO Complaints System)...

If the allegations are formally accepted, an independent investigation will ensue. Alternatively, the RSPO’s Complaints System also promotes non-adversarial methods of dispute resolution... For further information on our Complaints System, visit ://askrspo.force.com/Complaint/s/
