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Suez sent formal request to comply with its duty of vigilance under French law or face potential litigation, following sanitary crisis in Chile

On 9 July 2020, four NGOs sent a formal request to Suez under the French Duty of Vigilance law. In their request, the NGOs ask Suez to modify its vigilance plan to include detailed and adequate measures to mitigate and prevent the risk of human rights abuses linked to its subsidiary ESSAL in Chile.

In July 2019, 2,000 litres of oil were released in a drinking-water treatment plant operated by the company in Osorno, Chile. The spill led to a 10-day city-wide water cut, affecting 49,000 households and essential services, including hospitals, health centres and retirement homes. The spill also reached two local rivers, the Rahue and Damas.

This is the sixth time a company was formally notified to comply with its duty of vigilance since the French law came into force.

In this story, learn more about the circumstances of the case and the NGO request, and dowload Suez' latest vigilance plan.
