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Resposta da empresa

21 Jun 2016

Grupo Vidanta

Grupo Vidanta Response

…The Jarretaderas and Juntas towns neighboring the Vidanta resort in Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit, used to flood every year during the rainy season, thereby creating health hazards, property loss, and lack of stability for its inhabitants. In 2004, Grupo Vidanta—at its sole cost and expense and complying with all proper permits and regulations—built a river protection wall, over 2 miles in length and began dredging efforts to prevent the Ameca River from swamping and continuing to flood the local community…Grupo Vidanta is committed to its people and local communities without whom we would not be where we are today. We are also extremely proud of the Delia Morán Vidanta Foundation, a privately funded, first-class facility with the sole purpose of serving local underprivileged children and preparing them for a future filled with success…The group has never acquired a plot of land designated for school use. Any plot of land purchased from the ejidatarios (local land holders) is a legal acquisition through which local land holders hold an assembly and decide to sell the plot on their own free will…