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18 Abr 2022

Peru: Indigenous communities denounce the negative impacts of PetroTal and Petroperu's activities and that the companies are allegedly not complying with agreements signed in 2020

Peruvian indigenous communities have been denouncing that the activities of the oil companies PetroTal and Petroperú and their resulting constant oil spills would be negatively impacting their health, socioeconomic rights and the environment.

Since 28 February, 17 Kukama indigenous communities living within Block 95 (Loreto region) have been paralyzing PetroTal’s operations as a way of protesting against these alleged violations. They also criticise the use of police and military forces by the State to deal with the situation. Furthermore, the communities demand that both the company and the state implement agreements made after a conflict in Bretaña in August 2020, during which three indigenous were killed and eleven were injured by police.

The BHRRC invited PetroTal and Petroperú to comment on the allegations. Only Petroperú responded.

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