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27 Mai 2021

Diálogo Chino

Peru: Local communities complain about Chancay mega-port's negative impacts and lack of compensation

Leslie Moreno - Diálogo Chino

“Peru’s new Chancay mega-port shakes a village to its core”, 20 May 2021

... The mega-port of Chancay... aims to become a hub for trade between Asia and South America. The consortium's shareholders are Chinese state-owned Cosco Shipping Ports Limited and Peru's Volcan Compañía Minera S.A. The latter has a history of committing environmental violations in the Andean regions of Junín and Pasco... In 2016, Peruvian company Volcan, through its subsidiary Terminales Portuarios Chancay S.A., bought land for the mega-port of Chancay through an offshore company, as revealed in a report by investigative outlet Convoca. In January 2019, it signed an agreement in which the Chinese company became a 60% shareholder of the consortium and it was renamed Cosco Shipping Ports Chancay Peru... The consortium acknowledged, in documents linked to the modification of the EIA, that the effects of vibrations from its work ranged from "always perceptible" to "strongly perceptible" for people in the vicinity, confirming the accounts of the port's neighbours... On 22 December last year, Senace approved the Modification of the Detailed Environmental Impact Study (MEIAD), a requirement for the construction of the mega-port, which had been presented by its backers... The approval of the MEIAD came amid controversy. According to several social and environmental organisations, observations made by the authorities, including a possible impact on air quality and the impact on the Chancay wetlands, were not addressed... A second is slated for Ilo, in the far south of Peru’s, which would be run by the state-owned China Harbour Engineering Company (CHEC)... Diálogo Chino sought the company's views about the concerns of its neighbours. After weeks of unsuccessful attempts to contact the company by phone and email, its communications officer said that he would attend to the questions raised. So far, no response has been forthcoming.