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18 Ноя 2021

Steven Chase, The Globe and Mail

Canada: Canadian Government seizes first shipment of goods allegedly made with forced labour

"Canada seizes goods made with forced labour from China; MPs urge more action for Uyghurs," 15 Nov. 2021

The Canadian government has seized goods from China it identified as being made with forced labour, the first Chinese shipment intercepted for this reason since federal law was toughened in 2020 to prohibit imports of items made under coercion.

... CBSA spokesperson Rebecca Purdy told The Globe customs officials had seized a shipment of women’s and children’s clothing that arrived in Quebec from China, on the belief that it was “manufactured or produced wholly or in part by forced labour.” The agency did not disclose the date of the seizure and said confidentiality rules prevented it from identifying the importer. It also said information was only available on interceptions up to Nov. 3.

... In 2018, Canada signed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, the successor to the North American Free Trade Agreement. As part of the new trade treaty, Canada vowed to stop the importation of products made with forced labour. It enacted the prohibition in mid-2020 and in early 2021 announced it would be cracking down on such goods from China.