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6 Июн 2022

Narushi Nakai, Nikkei Asia

Russia: Japanese equipment company Kubota halts farm tool exports to Russia over shipping closures

"Kubota halts farm tool exports to Russia over shipping closures" 6 June 2022

Kubota has stopped exporting agricultural equipment to Russia after shipping companies suspended services following Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.

Kubota group units that build farming implements, such as rakes and spreaders, in Germany and elsewhere stopped exporting in early March.


Kubota does not sell its mainstay tractors and other vehicles in Russia. It has already halted exports of construction equipment to Russia.

Kubota's implement line enjoys strong demand because they can be attached to tractors from other manufacturers as well.

Orders for implements continue to come from Russian farmers and Kubota is fulfilling them with a local inventory. After this inventory runs out, the company will scale down its operations, mostly selling parts for repairs.

"We're not in a situation where we can think about the future of our business in Russia," a senior official said.