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Australia: BHRRC supports the New South Wales modern slavery reporting regime and recommends it is brought into effect

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has published its submission to the Inquiry of the New South Wales Parliament into the (NSW) Modern Slavery Act.

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre supports the modern slavery reporting scheme introduced by the NSW Act...the scheme will play a significant role in addressing modern slavery in the supply chains of certain companies operating in and from the state of New South Wales… by having a lower reporting threshold than the Modern Slavery Act (Cth) 2018 (Cth Act), the NSW Act extends the scope of legislative modern slavery reporting to cover approximately 1400 additional reporting entities…[it is] an important complement to the Cth Act.   

…The inclusion of penalties for non-compliance with the provisions of s24 of the NSW Act, and provision for an Anti-Slavery Commissioner, represent key improvements, not only on other Australian legislation, but on comparable modern slavery reporting laws worldwide. In this respect, the NSW Act is leading the way globally in terms of legislative action to address the scourge of modern slavery in corporate supply chains.

…Enactment of the NSW Act represents an important component of global moves to introduce laws that curb human rights abuses, including the use of slaves, in corporate supply chains. We encourage the Parliament of NSW to support this crucial step by bringing the NSW Act, and associated instruments, into effect...
