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Kaelyn Forde, Al Jazeera

US judge rejects Uber, Lyft bids to delay driver injunction


"US judge rejects Uber, Lyft bids to delay driver injunction", 14 August 2020.

A California judge...refused to give Uber Technologies Inc and Lyft Inc more time to appeal his decision forcing them to classify drivers in that state as employees, which they have said would necessitate restructuring their businesses...Judge Ethan Schulman said he found no reason to extend his August 20 deadline for the ride-hailing companies to appeal the preliminary injunction he issued on Monday before it could take effect...Uber and Lyft have said they will appeal...

The injunction came in a lawsuit where California and the cities of Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco accused Uber and Lyft of violating Assembly Bill 5, a new state law making it harder to treat "gig" workers as independent contractors. Uber and Lyft prefer using that classification for drivers because treating them as employees would require benefits such as minimum wage, paid sick and family leave, unemployment insurance and workers' compensation insurance...
