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Financial Times

Amazon lifts minimum wage for US and UK workers


Amazon...it is increasing the minimum wage paid to US and UK workers, in the latest move by a large retailer to lift the salaries of its employees. The ecommerce group said the new wage floor of $15 in the US, £9.50 in the UK and £10.50 in London would go into effect next month...The company’s move follows widespread strikes of Amazon workers in Spain and Germany earlier this year ahead of a critical discounting period. Warehouses have been the subject of long-running protests about insecure work and poor conditions, particularly in Europe where labour laws are tougher than in the US. Earlier this year, Walmart, the world’s biggest bricks-and-mortar retailer, increased its minimum wage in the US from $9 to $11...Swift growth in the US economy and a significant tightening in the labour market in recent months has left companies competing more aggressively to hire workers...Amazon said on Tuesday that it would also lobby the US government to increase the federal minimum. “We intend to advocate for a minimum-wage increase that will have a profound impact on the lives of tens of millions of people and families across this country,” said Jay Carney, senior vice-president of Amazon global corporate affairs.
