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Armenia: Hydropower plants undermine communities' access to water for consumption and irrigation

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Hydropower Impact on Economies in Goris and Sisian Communities in Syuniq Region: What Kind of Environmental and Social Problems Arise? 23 September 2021

Hydropower is one of the priority economic branches Syunik Region, where the complex of Vorotan HPPs is located and where about 60% of the electricity generated in the hydroelectric power stations of the republic is produced, and about 15% of the entire produced electricity...

During the irrigation season, there is a shortage of water in the region, which is due to the general wear and tear of the irrigation network, as well as non-compliance with water intake restrictions for other water users, particularly the Vorotan HPP complex and SHPPs. Due to the water intake of a large number of 23 operating hydropower plants, the ecological flow in some parts of the rivers is not maintained, which puts quantitative pressure on the rivers...

The depletion of the region's water resources continues. The proportion of amounts of water resources used for hydropower and irrigation is not maintained during the irrigation season... Hydropower plants do not carry out self-monitoring of water intake and environmental flow...

Water users operating hydropower plants are not accountable to the beneficiaries, especially the affected population...