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Matthew Mullen, UNDPBHR

Asia: New report surveys the status of business and human rights across Asia

"Reflections and Directions − Business and Human Rights in Asia: From the First Decade to the Next", 16 June 2022

Important victories were won in the first decade of United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) in Asia, including strengthened regional momentum on business and human rights and the adoption of Asia’s first national action plans (NAPs) on business and human rights. But stakeholders in Asia see many gaps and hurdles and the need for Asia’s BHR movement to adjust and recalibrate for the next decade ahead.


This report serves to contribute to UNGPs10+ by surveying the status of business and human rights (BHR) across Asia, bringing together different visions and identifying opportunities for the decade ahead. It presents an overview of the status of BHR in Asia and focuses particularly (but not exclusively) on 11 countries demonstrating some progress on BHR namely Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Full report is available here.