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UN Global Compact Network Australia

Australia: Companies support proposed National Action Plan on business & human rights, at events hosted by UN Global Compact, govt.

"Towards a National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights: Business Roundtables", 2 Aug 2016

In late May and early June, the Global Compact Network Australia and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade convened business roundtables to consider the development of an Australian National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights... 

The Australian Government has made a voluntary commitment to undertake a national consultation on the implementation of the UNGPs during 2016. The development of a NAP is one way to further implementation of the UNGPs...

There was general support from business representatives for the development of an Australian NAP...

A number of potential opportunities for a NAP were identified, including:

  • Australian domestic context: contributing to greater enforcement of existing Australian legislation relating to human rights...
  • High-risk jurisdictions: Australian Government support to build the capacity of other governments in conflict-affected and weak governance jurisdictions to put the right frameworks in place...
  • Supply chains: contributing to greater enforcement of existing Australian legislation relating to human rights including around labour hire...
  • Small to medium sized enterprises...
  • Remedy...

Read the full summary report from the business roundtables here.
