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China: Apple accused of violating labour laws as employees at iPhone factory found working 100 hours of overtime & being ‘punished’ for not meeting targets; Incl. co. comments

In September 2019, China Labor Watch released a report revealing numerous labour rights violations at the Zhengzhou Foxconn factory, the largest iPhone factory in the world. The report is based on the findings of undercover investigators employed at Zhengzhou Foxconn factory, one of whom worked there for over four years.

 Among the findings, the investigation revealed that working conditions have remained relatively unchanged over the years, with wages insufficient to support a family living in Zhengzhou, and social insurance contributions falling short of the legal requirement. The report also alleges that Foxconn has violated restrictions on overtime and dispatch workers as stipulated under Chinese labour law, highlighting the routine use of student workers and large proportions of temporary short-term dispatch workers to manage the influx of orders during peak seasons. During peak seasons, workers at Zhengzhou Foxconn reportedly worked at least 100 overtime hours a month under pressure to meet targets, exceeding the legal maximum.

In response to the findings, Apple stated it had investigated and found that the percentage of dispatched workers had 'exceeded' its standards. Foxconn also confirmed the dispatch worker violation following an operational review. Apple said they would be working with Foxconn to resolve the issue regarding dispatched workers, and stated that issues on overtime had been corrected. Further comments can be found in the articles below.