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Paul Gallagher, Independent (UK)

Chinese dissident says human rights are being "sacrificed" for sake of trade


"Chinese government would collapse without 'Berlin Wall' surveillance system, says blind dissident Chen Guangcheng", 23 Oct 2015

The Queen may have toasted China’s President at Buckingham Palace on the new “global partnership” that has resulted in £30bn worth of deals being announced this week, but Mr Chen [a Chinese human rights activist who fled to the US in 2012] is scathing of the red-carpet treatment for Mr Xi. “Is the UK being used? The UK is being bought!” he laughed. “I don’t think all this trade and business should be carried out as the UK sacrifices human rights in exchange for these deals. It’s a golden age for merchandise and trade for UK-Communist Party relations. For the sake of trade human rights are being sacrificed.”