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Dutch News

Dutch football club Ajax under fire for Qatar training camp; includes company comments

"Human rights groups call on Ajax shareholders to question trip to Qatar," 30 Oct 2019

Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch... have called on Ajax shareholders to question the club’s decision to go on a winter training camp in Qatar...

[Amnesty spokesman Emilie Affolter said] ‘It is not up to Ajax where the World Cup is held... it does have a free choice when it comes to the venues for a winter training camp. Hundreds of lives were lost during the building of the stadiums in Qatar'...

Amnesty is investigating if the club can be held legally responsible for maintaining a situation in which human rights are violated...

[Ajax spokesman Miel Brinkman said] that ‘politics and sports should not mix' and pointed out it was not the first time the club had trained in Qatar.