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Paul MacInnes, The Guardian (UK)

FA wants to deliver positive World Cup legacy for migrant workers, insists chair

The Football Association is focused on producing a positive legacy for migrant workers at the World Cup, its chair, Debbie Hewitt, has said, with discussions on possible solutions coming within days.

Calls for the England team and its governing body to endorse a legacy project have been growing in recent weeks, with NGOs and the international players’ union, Fifpro, calling for support on two central ideas – financial remedy for workers and their families and the creation of a permanent workers’ centre in Qatar...

The FA’s chief executive, Mark Bullingham, is to meet representatives of other qualified World Cup countries next week to discuss the legacy issue and the possibility of players relaying a symbolic message during the tournament. The Guardian understands that discussions on the financial remedy and the workers’ centre will be part of the agenda. “We would hope to be able to give an update after we’ve spoken to the players in the wake of that workshop,” Bullingham said.