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H&M reponse on SACOM report

“...H&M has been addressing these issues for years and has put great effort in the sourcing countries to improve working conditions and strengthen workers' rights. There are still challenges, but we can see that the work we do makes a difference. 

In China, we have a team of around 40 people dedicated to driving our sustainability programs...[W]e are well aware of the challenges raised in the report, including issues with transparency. We believe...in supporting [long-term business partners] to handle challenges common to the industry. Transparency is a fundamental requirement in all our business relationships. Our team frequently visit the factories, also on an unnanounced basis, and regularly conduct interviews with the workers. 

We agree that improvement in workers’ ability to negotiate and collective bargaining is key to drive sustainable improvements in the industry, which is why we have initiated several programs to support functional worker representation in our suppliers’ factories (democratically elected workers participating committees or trade unions) in China in order to strengthen workers right to collective bargaining and wage negotiations. H&M is since 2013 running a Social Dialogue project in China supporting our Fair Living Wage Strategy. The goal is that all our strategic suppliers should have democratically elected workers representatives in place...In 2013 we launched our Fair Living Wage Strategy, which is an important contribution to the work towards fairer pay in the textile industry...”
