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IBFAN, Pesticide Action Network Asia and Pacific, Friends of the Earth, SOMO & Global Policy Forum

IBFAN, PANAP, Friends of the Earth, SOMO & Global Policy Forum highlight importance of protecting human rights defenders in binding treaty

"IBFAN, PANAP, FoEE, SOMO and GPF Oral Statement 1st session of IGWG on TNCs and human rights" 6 Jul 2015 

To date, millions...of people are negatively affected by corporate activities...Whenever the affected communities organize to claim their rights and seek for remedies, their leaders regularly face threats to their security and even to their life. Besides, whistle-blowers are often harassed or fired for having reported or disclosed information on a threat or harm to the public interest. Human rights defenders and whistle-blowers are at the forefront to get corporations accountable and thus should be provided special protection by the treaty...Therefore, we would like to stress the necessity to put in place adequate safeguards to guarantee that the treaty process is not unduly influenced by the private sector and thus, to ensure its independence, integrity and credibility. These safeguards should be set up as a priority, in a transparent manner, and should include concrete measures that help identify and eliminate risks of personal or institutional conflicts of interests...