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The Hindu

India: Hundreds of domestic workers protest for basic rights on International Domestic Workers' Day

"Domestic workers raise their voice for rights", 16 June 2022

Over 400 domestic workers from all over Karnataka took part in a protest meeting organised by the Joint Action Committee of the Domestic Workers’ Unions...on the occasion of International Domestic Workers Day.


They raised their voices for weekly holidays, bonuses, the dignity of labour, and other social justice as they were joined in with the slogan, “We are not slaves, we are not servants, and we also have the right to decent wages and recognition.”

Geeta Menon, chairperson of the committee, said, “Every year, on International Domestic Workers Day, we stage protests, but India, till today, has not ratified the ILO convention which will pave the way for a strong legislation at the Central and State level.”