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Nick Coleman, S&P Global

Kazakhstan: Tengiz oil field operator says resuming normal output after protests

Kazakhstan's Tengiz oil field operator says resuming normal output after protests, 9 January 2022

Kazakhstan's Tengiz oil field, the country's highest-producing crude source, is gradually returning to normal production levels after protests at the site disrupted operations, the Chevron-led operating consortium, Tengizchevroil, said...

Tengizchevroil (TCO) said...it was making an "adjustment" to production levels at Tengiz - the largest contributor to CPC crude blend - after contract workers mounted a protest in support of demonstrations elsewhere in the west of the country linked to fuel price increases.

In a Jan. 9 update, a TCO spokesperson told S&P Global Platts the consortium "continues to focus on ensuring the health and safety of its workforce," and "all production facilities continue operating safely."

"TCO is safely and gradually increasing production to reach normal rates," the spokesperson said...

The other main fields that contribute to CPC blend are not thought to have had any production issues in relation to the unrest that has rocked the country in recent days, and led President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev to call on a regional security grouping led by Russia for security assistance. Press reports suggest the security situation in Almaty, the city in the east of the country at the center of the unrest, has been improving.

Shell said earlier the assets it has stakes in, including the Kashagan and Karachaganak fields and the CPC pipeline, were fully functioning, while a spokesperson for the Karachaganak operating consortium, KPO, also confirmed operations were unaffected...
