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Latest update on Asia Forum


Date: 19-20 April 2016
Location: Doha (Sheraton Doha Resort & Convention Hotel)
Website:  www.ohchr.org/2016AsiaRegionalForum

Enquiries: [email protected]

Registration is now closed (bar in exceptional cases). Please email: [email protected]


  • Click here to see the programme (Arabic version)
  • Click here to see the programme (with speakers included)
  • Click here session concept notes

Confirmed speakers: click here to see list of confirmed speakers

Logistics information: click here to find out about important logistics, such as how to apply for a visa and book a hotel [Arabic version]

Costs: There is no charge for attending the event, but participants are generally expected to cover all the costs of their flights and stay in Doha

Submissions / information received:

  • Click here to see information from external partners, including "Voices from Asia" (compiled by the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre)

Stakeholders are invited to submit relevant background documents to: [email protected]

Pre-Forum "Business & Human Rights Capacity-Building Workshop" (organised by IOEGBI & Qatar Chamber of Commerce & Industry) on 18 April: click here for more information, including how to register!
