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European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

New NGO database on large combustion plants launched to fill transparency gap in EU industrial emissions reporting

"Europe's worst polluters revealed", 10 Sep 2020

The Industrial Plant Data Viewer allows users to access and compare data from over 3,000 large combustion plants across the EU, and check whether they are doing their job to prevent pollution. It was launched by the European Environmental Bureau to help fill the dramatic transparency gap in EU industrial emissions reporting.

EU laws require operators of large industrial installations to generate annual compliance reports and monitoring results on environmental performance, and national authorities to make such information available to the public, including operating permits.

However, most member states are failing to disclose crucial information about highly polluting activities, and many are not even meeting the minimum transparency requirements...

Germany is the worst country in the EU for reporting on dangerous industrial emissions, while Italy is the most transparent, followed by Ireland, the Czech Republic and Croatia...

Europe prides itself on its green credentials, yet EU industry reporting on pollution is far behind the standard practice in some other parts of the world, despite the existence of some good practices at the national level...