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Qatar: Alwatany Travels workers face wage delays for 12 months; co. did not respond

Photo: Ahmed_Abdel_Hamid, Getty Images via Canva Pro

In February 2021, NGO Migrant-Rights.org launched a series showcasing the many letters they receive from migrant workers across the Gulf alleging abuse by their employers. The first piece detailed the case of Indian and Filipino workers employed by Alwatany Travels/Nasser Bin Abdullah & Sons in Qatar. Workers allegedly had not received regular salary for 12 months, leaving them dependent on friends to pay rent.

Some employees in IT and HR have filed a case at the Labour Ministry; MR later saw evidence of requests from workers to MADSLA requesting checks to the wage protection system payment records and for a labour inspection. Other workers are afraid to go to the Labour Ministry for fear that the sponsor will not sign workers' resignation papers or approve salaries and gratuities.

Business & Human Rights Resource centre contacted Alwatany Travels/Nasser Bin Abdullah & Sons to invite them to respond to the allegations; they did not respond.