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Samindra Kunti, Inside World Football

Qatar: In wake of World Cup German FA calls on FIFA to be more transparent amid concerns over lack of "progress" on remedy for migrant workers

"German president Neuendorf calls on FIFA to end secrecy and open up to transparency,"

One of the few national associations not to support Gianni Infantino in his re-election to the FIFA president, the German DFB and their president Bernd Neuendorf, have demanded more transparency from the global body and a different attitude toward members.

“We asked so many questions over the past months,” Neuendorf told Insideworldfootball on the sidelines of the FIFA Congress in Kigali, Rwanda, last week.

“These related to Qatar and the humanitarian legacy such as a migrant worker centre or the legacy fund that was promised as well in Qatar. We don’t see much progress there. This was also the question, is Saudi Arabia involved in the FIFA Women’s Football World Cup?  Is there an engagement of Visit Saudi? We tried to find out, but there were no satisfying answers.”...

“The installation of the migrant workers centre was one of the aims that we tried to achieve before the World Cup,” said Neuendorf...

Neuendorf explained: “FIFA established a subcommittee on human rights and Social Responsibility. This came all of a sudden. It was established in December. We didn’t know anything about it beforehand. It was just by chance that we got to know it. So who made the decision that this subcommittee was going to be established? Who decided who’s sitting in there? We don’t know all these things. That’s what I mean by transparency. That’s what I mean by openness. So this has to change at FIFA – these things should be communicated very openly to all the federations.”